dissertation research – sciencefairwalk.com http://sciencefairwalk.com Dissertation Writing Manuals Mon, 24 Jan 2022 13:43:18 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=4.7.3 http://sciencefairwalk.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/406/2019/01/cropped-creativity-32x32.png dissertation research – sciencefairwalk.com http://sciencefairwalk.com 32 32 Guide To Successfully Write A Dissertation http://sciencefairwalk.com/guide-to-successfully-write-a-dissertation.html http://sciencefairwalk.com/guide-to-successfully-write-a-dissertation.html#respond Tue, 21 Apr 2020 13:41:47 +0000 http://sciencefairwalk.com/?p=54 If you are reading this article, you’re probably about contributing to the body of knowledge in your field. In other words, you are writing a dissertation.

We can further assume that since you are about to write a dissertation, you are no longer a novice to the fundamentals of academic writing. It’s safe to say you already know how to take notes, search, find information in the library, exhaust indexes, and master the art of Google searching.

Therefore, this article will not be about the basics of well-meaning advice such as; keep it simple, work hard, sleep well, find a groove, eat well, etc. Instead, we will focus on the mindset that makes for an intelligent, breath-taking dissertation of remarkable brilliance. What are these mental mindsets?

Continue reading to find them and get an in-depth understanding of how they work.

Think of your dissertation as a marathon

Writing an academic paper involves three important things; first is the understanding of what works best for you, second is your mental and physical health, while the third is familiarity with the terrain.

Understanding what works for you means knowing what writing tools or software is best for you. The time for writing your dissertation is not the time to try out new tools. If MS Word is the tool you’ve always used, then stick to it and complete your dissertation with it. No intelligent marathon runner tries out a new shoe on race day.

Secondly, pay attention to your physical and mental health. Writing an original academic paper begin with a simple exercise like walking, body stretch, etc

Thirdly, the challenge with writing a dissertation, most times, is having only a vague understanding of how the whole work fits together. It can be a disaster to think you know how to write the dissertation but later find out you don’t know. Therefore, an intensive reading exercise is needed before you begin writing.

Think and take your dissertation as work

Writing a dissertation is work, and you should be ready to treat it like that. How do you treat it as work?

  • Be prepared to put in 6 to 8 hours every day
  • Plan to work every day
  • Make up for inevitable time loss
  • Have a special place to work

Some people won’t like what you’re doing, and they might resent you for it. There will also be people who think you’re wasting your time. Pay no attention to them; continue working.

Think of your dissertation as a game

In a game, there are winners, and there are losers. Of course, we all want to win; however, circumstances sometimes push us to throw in the towel.

We’ve seen unfortunate cases where people lose their supervisor during dissertation writing, and no one is ready to take up the supervision. We’ve also seen instances where people fall sick as they work on their dissertations. They had no choice but to let go. These are legitimate reasons.

Yes, with not completing a dissertation comes stigma. But then, it’s only a game.

If you have come this far with reading, then you are willing to complete your dissertation. Put in the needed work, like a marathon runner, and you will have all that’s required, chapters of intelligent writings, pages of information filled, enough to eventually say finished.

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Things To Know About Dissertation Primary Research http://sciencefairwalk.com/things-to-know-about-dissertation-primary-research.html http://sciencefairwalk.com/things-to-know-about-dissertation-primary-research.html#respond Tue, 21 Apr 2020 13:38:35 +0000 http://sciencefairwalk.com/?p=52 Working on primary research can be a daunting process for a lot of students, even to those who are familiar with the writing process. There are about ten steps that serve as the guide to dissertation writing. We shall show you step 1 to 10 for every data collection method.

Steps for Primary Research on Dissertation

You can follow these steps when carrying out your primary research for the dissertation:

  • Step 1: Decide the Type of Data

    This stage is where you make up your mind on the type of data to use for your research. There are three main sources of data, namely; Primary data, secondary, and big. This article will focus on primary data, the data you collect yourself.

  • Step 2: Determine the Primary Research Methodology

    You can decide to use qualitative, quantitative, or mixed methodologies when working on your primary research. To each of these methodologies, there are specific steps to follow to complete your primary research. Let’s take a look at each of the steps.

  • Step 3: Be aware of limitations and strengths

    The strength of the qualitative analysis is that you can obtain more detailed information from the research. However, you can’t establish the quality of the study.

    The quantitative method lets you test hypotheses, determine casualties, and many other advantages. However, there can’t be the certainty that participants were honest. The strength of the mixed method overcomes the limitations of the other two.

  • Step 4: Choose a specific method

    You have methods such as observations, focus groups, interviews, and case studies to choose from under the qualitative approach.

    Under the quantitative method, you have experimental, descriptive, correlational, and quasi-experimental methods.

    You choose from concurrent nested design, concurrent triangulation, and sequential exploratory design under a mixed method.

  • Step 5: Select participants

    Your participants are the people you’ll be dealing with under the qualitative method you choose. You deal with a much higher number of participants under the quantitative approach. Under the mixed method, you will most likely have two groups of participants.

  • Step 6: Select measures

    There is a need for the use of measures. However, no matter what informs your choice of measure, always consult your supervisor for advice. Quantitative research mainly involves the use of measurement tools. Since the mixed method deals with the two, you’ll have to use both measures.

  • Step 7: Select analyses

    You might need to code and find themes within your research when using the qualitative method. Statistical analysis is the primary method of analysis under the quantitative method. A mixed research method will require you to use both methods of analysis.

  • Step 8: Understand the procedure

    Draw up a plan to collect the needed data, analyze it, and write your report. Under the quantitative method, the procedure for collecting data is by categorizing participants, counterbalancing, and debriefing participants. The process for the mixed method is dependent on the type of qualitative and quantitative procedure you chose.

  • Step 9: Think about Ethics

    Regardless of the research method you choose, ensure the process is ethical, especially when dealing with vulnerable people.

  • Step 10: Put your level of education and training into consideration

    The primary research method you choose is dependent on your level of education and your training. Undergraduate research requires less complicated research methods compared to graduate studies.

Writing a dissertation takes time. But, with the steps above, you can cut the time used in preparing your primary research.

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Dissertation Topics In Microbiology: 25 Best Ideas http://sciencefairwalk.com/dissertation-topics-in-microbiology-25-best-ideas.html http://sciencefairwalk.com/dissertation-topics-in-microbiology-25-best-ideas.html#respond Tue, 21 Apr 2020 13:34:58 +0000 http://sciencefairwalk.com/?p=50 Microbiology is an interesting subject of study involving many different aspects of life and organisms as a whole through the study of most single celled lifeforms. This field of research is responsible for many advances made in medicine and there are still many mysteries left waiting to be unlocked. So if you need to research this field, but need some help with medical thesis or dissertation writing, get it at our professional service.

When choosing a topic of research, one must always try to select one that they, as well as their readers, share an interest in. It is also important to do some preliminary research on your topic of choice, to ensure you are capable of acquiring all the relevant information necessary to make your paper a good one. The following is a list of 25 problems worth investigating for your microbiology dissertation:

  1. How do bacteria respond to stress compared to more complex organisms?
  2. What are the similarities in genetics between single celled bacteria and complex organisms.
  3. What are the major causes of bacterial swarming in nature?
  4. What are the potential benefits of using genetically modified bacteria to aid in agriculture?
  5. What are the risks involved in genetic modification of bacteria to combat bacterial pest in vegetable crops?
  6. What are the main causes of bacterial outbreak in populated areas?
  7. What is the most common form of transmission for bacterial infections?
  8. Cell division in bacteria can teach us more about the process of aging in larger animals.
  9. Viruses are more beneficial to the lives of large organisms than they are harmful.
  10. The evolutionary changes required to allow organisms to survive near deep sea thermal vents.
  11. The potential micro bacterial life existing in the unexplored parts of the worlds oceans.
  12. The role played by extreme pressures on bacteria living in deep under sea environments.
  13. How does hydro static pressure affect the amino acid requirements bacteria?
  14. Low population micro bacterial populations are the result extremely stable environments.
  15. The advantages of studying evolution through fast reproducing micro bacterial species.
  16. Why we will lose the war against antibiotic resistant bacteria.
  17. The truth about the dominant species on the planet from the perspective of a virus.
  18. How sensitive are bacteria to the conditions in their preferred niche?
  19. How did humans evolve a symbiotic relationship with micro bacteria?
  20. What are the risks of introducing nitrogen fixing micro bacteria into farmlands?
  21. Are bacteria living in cold oceans near the poles different from those living in the cold waters at the bottom of the Marianas trench?
  22. How vaccines are made.
  23. What we can do to combat antibiotic resistance.
  24. The evolution of a virus.
  25. The transmission of food borne pathogens in humans.
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Tips When Drafting Research Questions For Dissertation http://sciencefairwalk.com/tips-when-drafting-research-questions-for-dissertation.html http://sciencefairwalk.com/tips-when-drafting-research-questions-for-dissertation.html#respond Mon, 28 Jan 2019 10:35:31 +0000 http://sciencefairwalk.com/?p=43 Dissertation research questions are important to the reader as well as writer. To the reader, they give you an idea of what the paper is all about. From the questions, you will know the answers that the writer is looking for. For the writer, the questions will help you identify the areas to pay attention to. This focus narrows down your research activities. Here are tips provided by Dissertation Team experts that will make it easy to complete this section.

  1. Understand What Research Questions For Dissertation Are
  2. Do not start working on the chapter without understanding its importance. This section is meant to provide a goalpost for all your research work. It should therefore be clear, focused, concise and arguable.

  3. Your Supervisor Is Available For Consultations
  4. Your supervisor and his committee are not just meant to underline mistakes and send you to do revision on your paper. They are supposed to guide you through the entire drafting process. Consult the supervisor on regular basis on anything and your paper will be over in a flash.

  5. Obtain Quality Research Questions For Dissertation Examples
  6. Examples help you to understand what other students have done and what is expected from your. With the clues provided, you can now draft own questions. You should only ensure that the examples come from a credible source to guarantee quality.

  7. Check the Library for Quality Materials
  8. You must review some literature before drafting the research questions segment. The references you make and ideas that inform your questions should be based on high quality materials. Refer to high quality materials to ensure that your arguments are sound and captivating.

  9. There Are Proofread Examples of Dissertation Research Questions Online
  10. Check for proofread examples of research questions for doctoral paper online. The internet features papers that are written by other students and provided by reliable sources. Since these examples are found online, you can refer to as many as possible to understand the differences. Ensure that the examples come from a credible database.

  11. Choose an Interesting Topic
  12. The questions you ask will depend on the topic you have chosen. If the topic is interesting, relevant and specific as it should be, your chapter on questions will be interest as well. If the topic is mundane, the questions will also be dull such that they do not capture the imagination of your reader.

  13. The Questions Will Affect Your Research Methodologies
  14. Questions asked must be in line with your methodologies. The methods used during research affect the quality of answers obtained. Some questions will require a qualitative approach while others will need a quantitative approach to data collection.

  15. Hire An Assistant to Assist With the Chapter
  16. There are professional assistants who are available to assist with different chapters. Since they specialize on each element of doctoral paper writing, you will find an expert in drafting questions. Assign him or her the duty and avoid the stress that comes with such a task.

  17. Simplify Your Questions
  18. The questions should be simple and precise. Complex questions are difficult to answer because they will require compound answers. The answer should be straightforward to avoid confusion or multiple interpretation.

  19. Pay a Professional Writer to Draft the Chapter on Your Behalf
  20. Hire a professional dissertation writer to work on your dissertation. You just need to provide him or her with instructions that were issued by your department or supervisor. The writer will then craft a paper that you direct from time to time. This frees your time to attend to social, personal and family engagements while still producing the best academic paper.

Make reference to dissertation research questions examples provided by your supervisor. In case you find a problem using the examples, always consult. The quality of examples used will affect your performance.

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